Help =O
Published on June 10, 2007 By JamesPoel In

I was using IconX for about a day and it worked fine then one day when i tried to run it i got and error.

It loaded most of my icons, and then came up with this:

Any1 know if i can fix this? =/

I tried uninstalling it, downloading it again, and reinstalling, but same problem =/

on Jun 10, 2007
more infos could help do you run on Vista or XP?
when did you get this error? on click item, on mouse over, on drag an icon on screen?
on Jun 10, 2007
Im using XP and i get this error every time i open the program.. =[
on Jun 10, 2007
witch version of IconX? witch theme?
on Jun 10, 2007
Its the latest version (1.1) and i dont know which theme, it just crashes the second i open it
on Jun 10, 2007
ok i tried it and all seem to work fine
i use XP and IconX too so i believe you should send a email at
with all this infos and your email of purchasing too
just give them the time to answer you cause it's the week-end and they will receive it tomorrow.
on Jun 10, 2007
I have not purchased it.. i got the free version =/
on Jun 10, 2007
free or not you should send a email at the SD support team at less if it's a recurrent error they could see that not only for you but for all the people who use the soft.
on Jun 10, 2007
no free version - free to try

haven't used any of the trial version of any of the apps, but most have a time limit & reinstalling doesn't extend the time
on Jun 10, 2007
you should send a email at the SD support team at less if it's a recurrent error they could see that not only for you but for all the people who use the soft.